Friday, April 15, 2011


上个星期日跟姐姐还有表姐他们去溜冰,真的玩到很开心咯,给姐姐害到我跌倒了很多次!气到 >.<
然后认识了一男一女,到最后他们竟然请我们吃晚餐勒 >.< 呵呵,真的是很幸运咯...
这个是特地的啦,旁边的人在望着我们两个瓜 >.< 看我们在搞什么,哈哈Xp

走街走到一半,又钻到厕所去拍照!厕所都可以给我们拍餐饱!服了我们啊! >.<

溜冰溜到一半竟然走去厕所又拍照 >.<

这张也是,旁边的工作人员在望着我拍照,paiseh勒 >.<

等人的时候拍的 :)

对了,考试要到了,真的很怕的咯!因为我们学校没有考第一次考试,所以这次的考试算是今年的第一次,更惨的是这次考试考很多课哦!真的是很恐怖咯!刚才看到我表姐的blog,恭喜他耶,他考第一名 :)
我呢?唉,今年好像有点难度考到top 3哦,因为我升了一班,聪明的人也越来越多了!所以竞争力强 :(
唉~哥哥跟舅舅阿姨他们去了怡保哦,因为这两天又跑马,tan sri的那匹马好像有出赛哦,所以他们就齐齐去怡保了,丢下我们,哈哈哈哈哈 >.<
今天是学校的 IU day啊,我有很多朋友出席,他们全部叫我去,说很好玩,可是我好像没什么感兴趣的,所以也没去了 >.<
还有还有,我更期待的是5月尾的假期啊,因为我的四姨带我的表姐表妹还有我们一起去 A Famosa哦,去那里BBQ...真的好期待哦,到时又可以跟我表姐表妹他们一起玩到癫癫废废了,赫赫 >.< 到时也要拍多多照片让朋友们羡慕一下,让他们羡慕我们玩到酱癫,哈哈哈哈哈 :D
还有一样东西很期待的,就是刘界辉要出新专辑了...最近我开始崇拜他崇拜到很够力,哈哈 XD
现在在等他出新专辑,到时我一定买了让他签名的 >.<
我好像很多个星期没有回外婆家了哦,感觉好像有点陌生酱 >.<
最近在学校我跟sze hui的感情又变到好像以前那样了,变得蛮亲的了...
可是说真的啦,我应该跟他说声对不起,因为自从jen sning出现后,我真的忽略了sze hui,可以说是一天讲不上10句话啊,现在总算有跟他在一起谈心事还是什么的了,我也要开始学会一视同仁了,以免再一次忽略任何人 >.<
好啦,明天再继续写吧,再见 :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Nice song ♥

Recently, I fell in love with Juztin Lan Kah Fai's song weihh...
Especially《下半生》 this song! Seriously shit,damn freaking nicee!
This is the lyrics of 《下半生》

編:Alex San

那一年 共你车厢中遇见
遗留那锁匙 离你分开这两边
相信共你这遇见 牵动我心思
如若再见 只想看你一遍

这一年 共你相识中再遇见
还你那锁匙 路过秋天的雨天
想你还会似上次 开心走到我身边
离别再见 你看着我的臉

下半生 跟她再遇见不会再相见
未改变 牵手的那天 紧抱才发现
我始终 始终爱过她 走过的从前
未讲再见 为何又离去我身边

下半生 多得有着你跟我爱一遍
未改变 深深盼那天 再续未了缘
我会想 想跟你抱近 亲吻你的脸


那一年 共你开心走过路远
从前那心事 共你欣赏这尾端
跟你人海中遇见 牵手写过那些诗
原来爱你 这故事太相似

我会想 想跟你抱近 亲吻你的脸

Saturday, April 2, 2011

When crazyyy because of Juztin Lan and Rayn Foo Joe ♥

Yesterday went to the Bukit Jalil Astro Broadcast there with my brother and brother's friends. I saw Juztin Lan and Ryan Foo Joe >.<
Walau ehhhh, both of them damn freaking YENG and LENG ZAI weihhhh ♥
I began to like both of them >.< haha :D

Seriously! Both of them YENG DOU BOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ♥ ♥ ♥

Astro Star Quest !

Today went to the Bukit Jalil Astro Broadcast there with my brother and brother's friend. Quite a fun day today but the judges is too straight I think, because they listed up the audition time would be 1 and a half minutes for each person, but when everyone enter the audition room they only sing the chorus part and not even 10 seconds the judges already failed all of them. It's a bit unfair but I think my brother receive a good experience today. Seriously, no mood weihhhhhh :(

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April fool day ;)

April Fools' Day is celebrated all around the world on the April 1 of every year. Sometimes referred to as All Fools' Day, April 1 is not a national holiday, but is widely recognized and celebrated as a day where everyone plays all kinds of jokes and foolishness. The day is marked by the commission of good humoured or funny jokes, hoaxes, and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, teachers, neighbors, work associates, etc.
Traditionally, in some countries such as New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, Australia, and South Africa, the jokes only last until noon, and someone who plays a trick after noon is called an "April Fool".
Else where, such as in France, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Russia, The Netherlands, Germany, Brazil, Canada, and the U.S., the jokes last all day. The earliest recorded association between April 1 and foolishness can be found in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Many writers suggest that the restoration of the January 1 as New Year's Day in the 16th century was responsible for the creation of the holiday, but this theory does not explain earlier references.